Ammon Michael Ronald
Ammon Michael Ronald was born October 19th, 2009 at 12:37pm. He weighed in at 8lbs 14oz!! He was 21 inches in length. While in the hospital he lost 10oz and that took about 2 weeks to gain back which stressed me out just a little because they kept saying he should have gained the weight back sooner. On top of that they heard a slight heart murmur while we were still in the hospital, which scared me terribly but they only heard it twice and when they did the 4 limb blood pressure everything was fine. At his 3 weeks we went to the pediatrictian and she said she could still hear it but she was not to worried because it was so feint, his blood pressure was fine and he weighed 9lbs 8oz which meant he was gaining weight. The pediatrican thinks that it could be a flow murmur or a PFO(the little flap of skin between chambers has not closed over yet) bot of which she said he would grow out of or they would not bother him through out his life. Then at his 6 week we went back to see the pediatrican because she wants to make sure everything is still fine, she said it sounded the same but to be on the safe side sent us for an EKG which Ammon did amazing at laying still for the nurse! We go back when he is 3 months and she will tell us the results then. He weighed 11lbs 7oz at his 6 week check up and I realized I have a healthy chunky little man on my hands! lol!! Today he is 2 months old!! He already has such a personality! He is such a smiley little guy except if he is hungry or if his diaper is dirty! He then makes sure he tells me off! lol. He is so alert and curious, loves to look around and gets bored quite easily, lol. For the last week he has been only getting up once a night(knock on wood)! Abi loves him to death! She is always walking around saying "my ammon!" she gives him tons of kisses and try to sing to him and give him his soother if he is upset! it is adorable, she is such a little mommy! I will post pictures later, Ammon says its breakfast time lol!!
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