

This year was alot of fun on halloween! Abigail was big enough to walk... and she had a blast! Once we started she did not want to stop. We went trick or treating with my sister Angela, her fiance Randy and my nephew Anthony! We would go up to a door, one of the parents would yell trick or treat and Abigail would say "BYE"... it was really funny! Because the kids were so cute they got double the candy from basically every house! haha! All the better for Randy and JR! When we got home we put Abi into her PJs and she was still carrying around her trick or treat bag wanting to go again!

This is a picture of Abigail running to the next house, she was so excited!
My cute little lady bug! HAHA my mom's butt some how ended up in the picture too! HAHA
This is the handsome one armed gorilla Anthony! he is one armed cause he cracked his elbow in his crib( of all places!).

And this is Anthony's gorilla bum!